Saturday, October 13, 2007

Draft Gore campaign gets front page news at local paper

The Sarasota Herald Tribune's Saturday edition (today), carried the following article, interviewing little ol' me!
Push for an Al Gore White House bid grows after Nobel Prize award

Already an Oscar and an Emmy. Now the Nobel Peace Prize. In 2008, the presidency?

Such are the hopes of activists working to persuade Al Gore to run for commander in chief, again.

The push is particularly strong in Florida, where Draft Gore forces have planned a blitz of radio ads to air next week and are lobbying the state's Democratic Party chairwoman to put Gore on the ballot for the Jan. 29 primary.

Gore has stopped short of saying outright that he will not run, but he has expressed that he does not intend to and has reportedly told former President Jimmy Carter to stop calling him about it.
The focus on Florida is largely driven by the state's symbolism since the 2000 presidential election, where many Democrats felt the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling to stop the vote recount unfairly handed George W. Bush the state's electoral votes, and, in turn, the presidency.

Draft Gore's radio ads -- "He won once. He can win again." -- will run on five to seven stations during morning and evening rush hour starting Wednesday, Ritchey said.
"Here was his opportunity to put the draft movement to an end, and I think it is significant that he didn't," said Ritchey. "He did not close the door on a possible presidential run, and we are hitting the ground running."

Templeton, too, said she will continue doing her part in Sarasota to get Gore to enter the race: "Until he says, 'I'm not running.'"

Last modified: October 13. 2007 4:48AM

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