Saturday, August 11, 2007

The US is in tatters

The Iraq War profiteers: all in the name of capitalism."

Today I watched Robert Greenwald's Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers which caused me great heartache and anger. All the cowchips are piling up and I pray that the military-industrial complex set up by the Bush family, Cheney and Rumsfeld comes tumbling down one day, preferably in an International Crimes Court. Every single one of them.

After watching the video, I went to the website's blog, found jessehaff's post about DynCorp, looked them up, and found this July 18, 2007 Washington Post article: Zinni Takes Full-Time Position With DynCorp. Okay, you might think this is old news, but lo and behold, there is a comment posted by one "DynCorp Employee 10 Years" on 08.08.07 that is quite revealing. Needless to say, I also posted a comment.

Then I started crying. I'm angry, I've been getting angrier and angrier each time another rock is turned over and more creepy crawly things squirm in the light. When we all say "Enough is enough!" ???

But now my anger is manifesting in uncontrollable tears. Where is the country I was so proud of? Where are the protestors? Are you all so comfortable with your lives that you don't see, or don't care, what the hell is going on? The robber-baron war profiteers are making billions off of our hard-earned wages. Wake up, America!

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