Friday, October 19, 2007

John Nichols: Gore's fine resume needs one more entry

John Nichols has an opinion in the Capital Times this morning that stoked me up again. I go to bed each night with a prayer and some hope and wake up in the morning debating with myself as to whether Gore will run. Sometimes I think we should just leave it up to him and other times, like after reading Nichols, I know that we need to keep letting Mr. Gore know that we want him to be our next President.

Mr. Nichols said:

It is a velvet grip in which the peace prize winner finds himself.

Gore has arrived at the point that most politicians can only imagine in their wildest dreams. The entire world is asking him to be not merely a candidate but an ecological -- not to mention, ideological -- savior. And he is more viable than he has ever been.

Can Gore resist? Probably.

Should he resist? Probably not.

So let's keep our velvet gloves on, folks, and keep on rockin'

I have my first diary entry at dailykos on this topic.


Anonymous said...

You write very well.

ScubaVal said...

Thank you, lundel, for commenting and visiting my blog. Obviously, I haven't done a lot with it lately, but I will get back to it one day soon.

I've been pretty busy with the Obama campaign and now that he is elected, things should calm down enough to return to the issues that are important to me.

ScubaVal said...

oops, I meant lyndel... fat fingers! Sorry.