Friday, July 20, 2007

Pentagon Propaganda: Throwing Mud

I am disgusted with the Bush Administration using government agencies to push their political agenda. The public announcement by Under Secretary of Defense Eric Edelman regarding Senator Clinton's stance on Iraq War policy is the latest example.

As an American citizen who has decided to quit screaming at the television and make some efforts to let others know that I am not falling for the propaganda, I have sent the following letter to the Pentagon (via

I believe We the People have the sense that the Pentagon is out of line with Under Secretary of Defense Eric Edelman's comments about Senator Clinton's questioning of Iraq War policy. This is an implication that ANY American asking questions about the Iraq War will come under your scrutiny. That is so very UN-American of you.

The Bush Administration's stance (and yours, by extension) that the people who want a draw-down of troops are aiding the enemy is bunk. I believe most Americans understand that Iraq cannot be abandoned completely, that bringing troops home must be done over a responsible period of time. There is nothing "precipitous" about redeployment!

Instead, General Pace is talking about sending more troops?!

I, for one American, am not interested in hearing the Pentagon spout the very rhetoric that the Bush Administration wants to use to influence the political arena. And if it isn't politics, then why would Edelman mention just Senator Clinton? There are many people, public figures and common citizens, who are speaking out in the same manner.

I'm sure that Under Secretary of Defense Edelman has much more important things to do than make silly comments about an American citizen's position on the war. Please, just do your job and stay out of politics.

Thank you.

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