Thursday, July 19, 2007

Rips in the opaque curtains of the White House

Yes! Finally, the MSM is starting to reveal much of what is going on with this outrageous "war" and the Bush administration.

Kudos to:

  • Olbermann for his Special Comments on July 3rd;
  • ABC's Nightline coverage of "Inside the Surge" (done by BBC's embedded reporter);
  • Paul Craig Roberts ( chats with Thom Hartmann (AirAmerica, 7/19/07), saying that unless congress immediately impeaches Bush and Cheney - a year from now the US could be a dictatorial police state at war with Iran;
  • and of course, Glenn Greenwald is always on the ball with his commentary on the state of the media in their collusion with the Bush Administration.

Note that the military is speaking out against Bush as their Commander-in-Chief, and will do so with their votes, if we get a chance to vote (see Paul Craig Roberts above). One of the biggest problems we face, as a nation, is that if they aren't impeached immediately, Bush's Directive #51 will allow him to dismiss Congress, cancel the 2008 elections, and take over government UNTIL HE DECIDES the country is ready for government again. He may think he is the Decider, and he said he was the Uniter ~~ well, he's definitely uniting many of us: AGAINST him!

See Military Favors Ron Paul over McCain.

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