Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Stealing Elections: Past and Future

What's behind the election curtain? Our government is working diligently to make sure this curtain is opaque to the people. If the past major elections are any indication, We the People are in big trouble.

I think many Americans felt that something was seriously wrong in both the 2000 and 2004 Presidential elections. The Supreme Court stepped in for us in 2000 (Florida) and Diebold stepped in for us in 2004 (Ohio). I was one American wondering why in the hell was Ohio taking so long to post its results. Now we know.

Take an hour out of your day to review this video:

If you want to save your vote, as do I, then We the People MUST make our voices heard NOW.
Please contact your Congressional Representatives about H.R. 811 (text: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/D?c110:1:./temp/~c1108fZ0PX::)
and S. 559 (text: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c110:S.559:),
because "these bills allow government insiders to count votes in secret and prohibit us from either watching our votes get counted or even obtaining any information after the fact about how they were counted. " (Bev Harris, Blackboxvoting.org)

The inherent problems of HR 811 are:
1) The proposed legislation codifies secret vote counting
2) The proposed legislation cements control of secret vote counting to the executive branch
3) The proposed legislation provides sets the scene for unlimited litigation on election challenges.
4) The proposed legislation has many big ticket items that are unfunded.
5) The proposed legislation will not provide relief for 2008.
(Nancy Tobi, quoted on Blackboxvoting.org)

If you want to celebrate our democracy this 4th of July, 2007, then do something to protect your right to vote to keep our democracy!

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